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About Us


IMG_0641Where it all began… Northeastern University, a place to find love. (for at least two generations)

…or something like that:

Taylor and Tom’s paths crossed freshman year when Taylor went to borrow a nursing book from a neighbor and Tom happened to be in the room visiting.  Tom later asked his friend, “Wow, who was she…?” Nothing came of the encounter until the following year where Tom’s dorm room was in the infamous Davenport A coincidentally directly next to Taylor’s best friends in College.  He would go over to visit his neighbors often and found that “the girl from freshman year” was also over there frequently.

One day, Tom assumed Taylor was attempting the age old pick-up line “You look familiar, have we met?”, but quickly she remembered who he was because his friend from freshman year had told her what he said.  Fate took over and they were inseparable.

The relationship developed quickly with a first Valentine’s Day dinner featuring a guitar solo from Brian Carlin to a 6 month co-op together in Waikiki.  The 9 years are hard to sum up in a paragraph but they had lots of fun, so many memories and found out that…

0002Two people couldn’t compliment each other more. Tom and Taylor support each other in being the best version of themselves. They have experienced life together, grown as individuals and complete each other as a couple.


Time to get Hitched!!!


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